Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life in the slow lane...

I have been really struggling with feeling like I can't get anything done. When I was working full time I kept up the house, my kid was clean, I put in a full day at work, came home did dinner/baths/bed, and still watched American Idol at night. I have been so frustrated thinking, "why can't I get anything done when I used to get 1000 things done in a day". Am I lazy, am I a poopy mom, do I need more caffeine, do I need less caffeine, do I have a thyroid problem? I finally figured it out today...

1) There are a lot more things to do when you are home all day. When you aren't home dishes don't get messy, toys don't get scattered, toilets don't get used as much.... etc. Therefore, when you are home more work is made for you.

2) It takes a lot longer to do 'home things' than 'work things'. Work things might have included emailing, talking on the phone and putting together a powerpoint all simultaneously. There are very few home things that can be done simultaneously... or quickly. And each thing takes MUCH more energy.

3) We are alone at work. If we had our toddler under our desks we wouldn't get much accomplished. Same with having them under our feet in the kitchen.

4)Life is a different pace at home. You eat lunch slower... you actually eat lunch :-) One load of laundry takes an hour, grocery shopping takes 1.5 hours, picking up toys is a never ending journey. Help me remember that we have switched from the express lane to the slow lane and everything just takes longer. And that's ok...

And help me to remember to enjoy the journey!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Am I on Spring Break?

I truly am loving being a stay at home mom. I wake up every morning thinking, "REALLY? Is this REALLY my life? How awesome!" and every Sunday night I'm shocked that I don't have to go to work the next day. Thankfully many of my "Fears of Exclusive Motherhood" (ie. not having a purpose, missing feeling accomplished, etc) I haven't really experienced. Surprisingly, I'm struggling in the opposite direction. I always envision myself as an uber-organized SAHM who had the house spic-n-span, laundry done, dinner made, coupons clipped, and toys alphabetized. Instead, I'm finding that, honestly, I could care less. I think that there are several things that are contributing to this:

1) I am a procrastinator at heart. I know that I work much better with deadlines and expectations (both of which now I have very few).
2) I have been so super scheduled/ motivated/organized for the past 2 years (because I had no choice) that I think I might just need a break. I used to be on the go from 5am until 11pm balancing work life AND home life, and I'm ready for a change of pace.
3)Housework has never been a priority for me. Laundry and cleaning have always been at the bottom of my to do list beneath "family quality time", and were the things I squeezed in on the weekends. So, it's been difficult to envision them being my agenda for the day.
4) Subconsciously I might be avoiding the "housewife" stigma I have in my mind.

So, right now the item on the top of my prayer list has been my Motivation. I am intentionally scheduling something every single day to ensure that we are up and around (or the Lord knows I might never shower :-) And I'm trying to live by my To Do list (although they keep getting misplaced;-). And I daily set my alarm to get up before Amelia does (although so far I have turned it off every time...) AND, the Lord has blessed me with a VERY active little girl who doesn't sit still for 2 minutes and won't let me sit still either :-)

I have also done some deep soul searching and come to realize that this is how I can serve my husband and daughter. It's not just picking up and cleaning up so that my house isn't trashed- it's how I can love them. At my Bible study this morning the question was posed "How do you use your life to glorify God?" When I was working as a social worker this was easy. I literally spent most of my waking moments helping people and was blessed to be able to have an occupation where I served people every day. Now that I spend my days changing diapers and cleaning toilets, that question is a little harder to answer. I think that it comes down to living with intention. Remembering that EVERY SINGLE THING I do needs to be done in such a way that I glorify the Lord. I always think about that verse in 1 Cor 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. To me that translates to, "Do your best because this is what God is calling you to do." I know that, in this season of my life, God is calling me to serve my family and I know He will help me to find joy in that! Instead of viewing housework as my 'job' and 'agenda', I am trying to see it as a God's role for me right now, and my way that I am able to glorify Him!!
Therefore, I am learning how to balance my day, how to prioritize, and praying for the will power to want to be productive.
Ephesians 2:10.For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.