As I took down our Christmas decorations today (yes, I know it’s mid-January, but really, what’s the rush) I took a little time to reflect on our holiday. For me it was definitely one of my favorite Christmases so far and I can sum it up in one word of “WONDER”. I don’t think I really knew the meaning of the word wonder until I had a toddler. Every aspect of the Christmas season was reflected on Amelia’s face with a rapt look of WONDER. From the Christmas lights on the neighbors houses, to the stockings on the fireplace, to our Christmas tree in our window, to her first time hearing the story of Jesus’ birth, she had the most precious look of awe and WONDER on her face. (Granted she loved to talk about how the sheep poo-pooed in the manger and has been calling every infant she knows “Baby Jesus”, she was wonder-struck all the same!) Most importantly it reminded me that Christmas truly is a season of wonder… that a virgin was given a child who would save the entire earth. That we have the opportunity for a relationship with this child. That He is longing for us… now that’s WONDERful! I’m praying that this spirit of wonder will linger the whole year for our family… maybe I should just keep the decorations up?
1 day ago