Let the countdown begin... 1 work day down, 2 more to go. If you know anything about the Kubler-Ross stages of grief (social workers, nod your heads) I think that I am finally approaching "Acceptance". Hooray! Most importantly I am excited and ready to start this new chapter of our lives. Now that I've gotten past the, "How am I going to do this", I'm starting to realize all of the benefits that are going to come with my new career.
I get to impact my daughter's life everday. I get to experience each milestone and new skill. My new job is to have outings and adventures, to build forts, play dress up, and bake cookies. She makes an adventure out of washing laundry and sorting socks. I'm excited to have time to work-out, spend time with Jesus, and get to know myself a little more. I'm looking forward to pursuing new hobbies, returning emails that have been in my inbox for months, making meals for other busy moms, and providing support to others that I wasn't able to before. In a nutshell, I know what I'm missing and I'm thrilled not to miss it any longer.
Yes, I'm definitely dreading the packing, the moving, and the many goodbyes (or rather, "see ya laters"). I still have moments when I wonder,"God, why must I give up everything that I hold dear?" I have been reading,"Becoming a Chief Home Officer: Thriving in your career shift to stay-at-home mom" by, Allie Pleiter (I know the title is corny, but this book has SAVED me and has been my roadmap through this transition). And she says,"No matter how God chooses to strip you- or has already stripped you- it serves a purpose." And I realize that is why I am being called to give up so much... because those things are my source of strength at this moment. It is easier to rely on my support systems than my Lord in times of struggle. Right now,my identity is currently my job, instead of a follower of Christ. And so He is stripping me, but will bless me in the end.
I know that not everyday will blissful and carefree, but, it can't be any harder than what we've been through over the past 9 months. I'm priviledge and thankful that I have had the opportunity to be a working mom. Without it, I don't think I would know the importance of quality time, the skill of time management, and the ability to prioritize the things that are really important to me without feeling guilty about the things that get left behind (ahem, housework...). I don't think I would understand the treasure of taking care of myself and the consequences if I don't. And I don't know that I would realize that every single moment with my daughter is a gift... one that I'm going to try not to take for granted.
So, I've got play dates lined up and a full calendar for the month of March. Exclusive Motherhood here I come!!
Can you believe I get to hang out with THIS cutie everyday?