I wake up every day and think, "Seriously, God? I can't believe this is my life! To spend my day with my kiddo, squishing playdough, playing at the park, making forts, rocking dollies, and putting on jewelry? This totally rocks!" How blessed am I?? But even in the midst of this blissful existence I often finding myself going on 'autopilot'. Hopefully I'm not the only one out there who finds myself 'zoning' or just observing instead of playing. It frustrates me that I find myself slipping into 'babysitter mode' instead of 'interactive role model mama mode'. Now, being new to this stay at home mom thing, I'm not really sure what my role should be and how much Amelia needs me to interact with her. What I do know is this: when I take the time to get off of the couch and get onto the floor and put on my 'toddler face' and play WITH her, our relationship is so very different. I can tell that our bond is stronger. She responds to me more, respects me more, and is much more obedient. I find this with my relationship with Jason too. When we have the will power to shut off the TV and computer, leave the laundry and dishes lay, and actually CONNECT, our relationship is much deeper and meaningful. We fight less and feel more in love than ever. Most importantly, I find that this is true with my relationship with the Lord. When I read my Bible, have quiet time, and truly spend time worshiping Him, everything is better. I have more patience, I have more self confidence, and I am more at peace with my life circumstances.
The question is, why is it so hard to spend quality time with the ones we love the most? Why do I spend more time on Facebook that with my Lord? I have always lived by the motto "Live life to the fullest and live everday as if it's your last. Cherish every moment." Am I really doing that everyday? Am I pouring myself into every moment until there is nothing left to give?
So, my goal for July is to turn off the TV, put the laptop away, and connect deeply with those I love the most. I'm praying for my relationships to flourish and my soul to be satisfied. Won't you join me?
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